Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Two of the best medications for mastocytosis are on the Wal-mart $4 list. Doxepin and Hydroxyzine. Here is the link. I haven't been on Doxepin yet, but I plan to get an RX from the doctor if she will, because I've only just learned that it is a good medication for mastocytosis because of its inhibition action of H1 and H2 blockers. Hydroxyzine keeps me sane from suppressing the itching and the anxiety that it causes. I have to find out it Wal-mart has only the syrup or what. It's not clear on the list.

As for Wellbutrin, the best price I've found is here. The dopamine reuptake inhibition of Doxepin is minimal, so I will still need the Wellbutrin for that, probably. The doctor had wanted me to add Zoloft because it won't cause me to gain weight. Doxepin might. So I'm not sure what she'll say.

Since I also have ADHD, I take Ritalin, but an affordable alternative is dextroamphetimine (Dexedrine), so I'm hoping to maybe take that which should counteract the weight gain, maybe.

It's ridiculous having to do all this research myself, but my doctor is no expert on mastocytosis. Of course, all masto patients experience this since there are only a handful of experts spread around the world and even they are treading on unknown territory most of the time. OK, actually, I'm just procrastinating, which is easy to do when you feel like shit anyway.

I still have to do the paperwork for PPA. I think I just wanted to do some research first so I know if I'll be better off switching or staying with whatever I can get on the PPA program.

Singulair is my main concern. I have found no affordable sources nor any alternatives whatsoever. As you can see here, the patent is extended until 2012! Merck gets 20 years of patent protection on this medication. 20 years! However, I do think they participate in PPA, so I'll update on this.


Yin said...
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Anonymous said...

My name is Joseph and I write from Houston,TX,
This is a very neat website;very informative.
I too suffer from systemic masto,and your story has touched me.
I believe you are "Kat" (?)and you hail from S.Carolyna.
I wish you would write more about yourself,I'd be interested.
My email :joali@sbcglobal.net
if you are interested in striking a discourse,but if you're not,I understand.Still,you could write more about your experiances on your website.
Take care,and good health to you.

Fuelthemind said...

HI to all,
Well i want to share some important views with you peoples...

According to me your doctor can determine if you have cutaneous (skin) Mastocytosis after inspecting the skin, the may see the appearance of too many mast cells and do a biopsy to confirm any suspicions. Systemic Mastocystosis can be determined a few ways, through bone scanning, bone marrow testing, blood-work and also through urine. The high amount of the fore mentioned chemicals in the blood or urine is a way doctors can determine if you have the systemic type of this disease.